Kitchen & Outdoors Appliance-3 Tips for Decluttering Your Kitchen-GASLAND Chef

3 Tips for Decluttering Your Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the biggest culprits of clutter accumulation. Random gadgets or ingredients bought for use in a specific recipe get tossed in a cabinet and forgotten about, and you might have random items like small toys or school papers that don’t even belong in the kitchen but get collected in the notorious “junk drawer” everyone seems to have. Here’s how you can quickly reduce the clutter in Gaslandchef kitchen.


1. Work in Small Sections

It might be tempting to take everything out of drawers and cupboards all at once, but you’ll find it’s more manageable and efficient to declutter your kitchen in sections. Maybe you’ll start with organizing the pantry or the spice cabinet, but whatever you decide, make sure you’re not taking on more than you can handle.


2. Take Inventory

How many times have you said to yourself, “I could have sworn I had a [insert long lost item]” and you end up buying a replacement because you can’t find the original? Accumulating clutter can end up costing you money and it can cause you to double up on the clutter. You probably don’t need two bottle openers or five containers of cumin taking up space in your kitchen. As you declutter your kitchen, set aside duplicate items and things you no longer use to either sell or donate. Throw out food items that are past their expiration dates.


3. Organize Drawers and Cabinets Efficiently

Once you’ve gone through the items in your kitchen and gotten rid of what you don’t need, organize your kitchen necessities in drawers and cabinets to free up counter space. Keep items you use frequently in easy-to-access spots like top drawers, and organize by type when possible (for example, cooking utensils in one drawer, storage containers in another). Try adjusting the height of your cabinet shelves to make space for larger items you might currently be keeping on the counter, like blenders or toasters.

You’ll be amazed at how much neater your space looks by putting a few things out of sight!

Gasland Chef


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